Vendor Info
6644 Gateway Ave., Sarasota, FL 34231
• 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
• Vendors may begin set up as early as 9:00 AM
• Vendors may not break down before 3:00 PM
• For the sake of transparency, this party is held at Kolucan because they’re a client of ours (and we’re on a mission to let folks know how great they are). Therefore, we’re not accepting any other food vendor applications at this time. That may change down the road, but for now, we’re having them provide the grub and bevvies for these.
• The event will take place outdoors, weather permitting.
• The vendor fee is presently being waived.
• Space is very limited for vendors. We do our best to maintain a unique lineup so that our guests have a cool experience and you guys make money. That being said, we do have a waiting list in several categories, so please notify us ASAP should you not be able to make it for some reason.
• Other than that, the vibe is so chill here, and we know you’ll love it! Come enjoy a fun day of beats laid down by local and regional DJs, tasty eats and drinks, and make some cash while you hang with friends old and new.
• Preference will be given to vendors who can participate on a recurring basis (but if you can’t make it every week, don’t let that stop you from applying).